When was the first or last time you wrote down your day’s expenditure? Do you even take time to reconcile or balance your bank statement or mobile money mini statement with the records of expenditure you may have penned down in a cash book? From our experiences, hardly do small businesses do that. The bank and mobile money statements summarize…
Immediately you leave your comfort zone and launch your business, it might feel like the engine of your brand-new car is running faster than you can control. It is always up to you the driver to apply the brakes to control the speed. Likewise, as a business owner, it is your responsibility to regulate the flow of your business. In…
Starting one’s own business is a huge milestone for every entrepreneur. After getting the courage to transfer the idea into reality, the next thought is to make the business grow and be highly sustainable and successful. Only few business owners develop the habit of keeping their accounts up-to-date and tax records in order. The focus is usually on making more…